Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Week of December 8th

Dear Kinder-Parent,
I am very much looking forward to our Giving Party on Friday! If you have not signed up to bring something, I will be assigning items on Wednesday. I ask that each Kindergartner comes with a book (kinder appropriate) to wrap and donate to Our Lady of Victory School. Please contact me if you are unable to participate.
We will be attending school mass today. Our letter of the week is P, and we are beginning a math chapter that explores number concepts. We will be reading many stories about pigs, as well as creating a “Christmas and My Senses” book.
Spelling words for the week are: pat, sat and go. Please practice writing these words at home.
Also, please ensure that your child is coloring whenever possible on the homework packets. Even if the directions do not call for coloring, it is great practice for developing our fine-motor skills and artistic abilities!
Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. McGee

Monday, December 1, 2008

Week of December 1st

Dear Kinder-Parent,
What a wonderful feast we had! Our Native Americans and pilgrims did a fantastic job of reenacting the first Thanksgiving. Thank you for all of your help in making our feast a success. Now with that complete, we can look forward to learning about and celebrating the Christmas holiday.
This week in Kindergarten curriculum, our new popcorn words are “do” and “not.” Children will need to write the words “map”, “pan” and “the” for our Friday spelling test. We are reviewing beginning and ending sounds, as well as continuing to understand patterns. We will learn more about the food groups this week as well.
This year, our Christmas program is an around the world theme. Kindergarten will be singing songs from Mexico and Australia. Please see the bulletin for Christmas Program dress requirements. Kinders will also be asked to wear a beach hat.
Show and Tell will be given by Samara, Chloe, Dylan and Kaila. On Friday, please help them to select an item that is very special to them.
Reminders: Number words will be tested on Monday, December 15th. Also, please be sure to R.S.V.P. for our Christmas Giving Party if you have not done so yet. You will need to fill in the sign up sheet located outside the Kindergarten room as well!
Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. McGee

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Week of November 17th

Dear Kinder-Parent,
Thanksgiving is almost here, and so is our Kindergarten Thanksgiving feast! I have included the items that your child has been selected to bring to the feast next week. Please fill out the form, and keep the top half for yourself. Our Thanksgiving re-enactment would not be complete without some yummy dishes! Thank you in advance for your contribution.
This week in Kindergarten, we are learning about letter-sound N. Our new popcorn words are “have” and “it,” and our spelling words are “can” and “rat.” We continue to investigate patterns and learn more about the ways of the pilgrims and Native Americans. Please encourage your child to retell the meaning of Thanksgiving.
Next month, students will be tested on number words one though ten. You can begin studying at home now with flash cards.
Our Show and Tell presenters this week are Jackson, Dominic, Ariyanna and Alex. Please pack your child something he/ she is thankful for on Friday.
Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. McGee

Friday, November 14, 2008

Week of November 12

Dear Kinder-Parent,
I hope you all enjoyed our lengthy weekend! I have reduced the number of activities in our homework packet, which will still be due on Friday. Please remember to have your child color whenever possible, even if it is not stated in the directions.
This Friday, Student Council has organized “Jeans for Greens.” For $1, your students may wear jeans to school. He/she will still need to wear a St. Jerome top. If your kindergartner would like to participate, please be sure to send $1 in an envelope with a name and grade.
It may be a quick week, but we will still be learning so much! Our letter is F and we are really beginning to explore what Thanksgiving is all about. We will discuss family, pilgrims, Native Americans and what life was like a long time ago. We will continue learning about shapes and patterns. There are no new sight words, so you may take this time to review already learned popcorn words.
Our Show-and-Tell presenters are Brenda, Morgan, Ifeoma and Keyante. Please pack them an item that they are thankful for.
Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. McGee

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week of October 14th

Dear Kinder-Parent,
This week, we will be having shortened days due to parent conferences. If you have not signed up for a time, please call me at school and I will help you arrange a conference. I am very eager to meet with you all!
Due to our shortened schedule, we will be using this week for a heavy review on our letter-sounds, bats, sorting and 5 senses. All students who did not receive a 4 on their popcorn words the first time are now at a 4! Sometimes, a little extra time is necessary. We will begin learning our phone numbers this week as well, as we have a test next Friday.
This Friday, we will have Gateway to Art! Gateway is a fabulous opportunity to earn hours, so be sure to volunteer quickly with Mrs. Pedroza. Spots may fill fast.
Our Show and Tell presenters this week are Taylor, Indigo, Sergio and Kailei. Please pack them an item that is truly special to them in their backpacks.
Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. McGee

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Week of September 29th

Dear Kinder-Parent,
Thank you for sending in an apple for your child last week. We really enjoyed our introduction to graphing and sorting, as well as our Johnny Appleseed sauce! This Friday we will conclude our week with an Awards Ceremony for our virtue winners. Dominic, Madison and Giovanni will be receiving the Virtue Award on Friday at 8 a.m. in the back yard.
We begin our week with a delicious lesson on graphing and sorting, using Teddy Grahams. Our letter for the week is S, and we will not be introduced to new sight words. We will have a “Popcorn Test” on Friday, so please review the popcorn words with your child (red, blue, can, am, like and is). Flash cards are a helpful study tool. Our reader, Six Sisters, will come home with your child on Friday. Please encourage him/ her to read the weekly reader to you aloud.
In students’ homework packets, you will find a blank note card. Please write the address and phone number you would like your child to memorize. Please choose only one number and address.
We are currently learning about our 5 senses. Please send your child in with any object from your house that makes a noise. We will explore our sense of sound on Thursday.
There will be no Show and Tell this week, due to the Faculty vs. Student Council Kickball Game. Be sure to pre-order cookies and water for your student to enjoy during the game.
Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. McGee

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week of September 15th

Dear Kinder-Parent,
As we finally begin our first full week, be aware of weary Kindergartners! The transition can be tiresome, so it is important for children to get to bed before 8 p.m. I am very excited about our schedule this year. Our children are blessed to have some very special teachers working with them.
Thank you for your participation in our color days! This week, we will be introduced to the yellow color poem today, orange on Tuesday, black on Wednesday, and brown on Thursday. Please dress your child in any accessories that correlate with our color days. Also, be sure to ask them to recite the color poem of the day for you!
Please be sure to check your student’s homework folder every day. It is important that each day they return with their behavior calendars, as we fill them in every afternoon. Any work sent home in their folders is to be kept at home unless otherwise indicated. Please help to keep their things tidy and organized.
For handwriting practice this week, please have your child continue to make the lines/ shapes I have done for them across the line. These strokes will help them to learn about using the lines as guides and develop the appropriate strokes for good printing.
Show and Tell will be every Friday, for 4 selected students. This week’s presenters are Brenda, Morgan, Ifeoma and Dominic. Please pack them an item that can fit in their backpacks and is truly special to them.
Lastly, students reading packets will now be receiving a grade of 1-4. I will explain our rubric in detail next Monday (Back to School Night), but here is an outline for you to better understand.
4) Perfect / Mastery
3) Satisfactory / Proficient
2) Emergent
1) Standard not met

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. McGee

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

9/8/08 Homework Letter

Dear Kinder-Parent,
This week, Kindergarten will attend our first school mass on Thursday. Please be sure to send your child in his/ her school uniform rather than P.E. attire. We will only be having P.E. on Tuesday this week.
Homework has begun! These packets will go home with your student every Monday. You will not need to return the packet until Friday (Thursday this week, due to no school on Friday). I ask that every page is colored whenever possible. The directions may not call for coloring, but I encourage our children to develop those small motor skills any opportunity they get. On the page with their name written, I ask that Kindergartners practice writing their name once (or more if possible!) on each line. Please remind your child to use “monkey tails” and only one capital letter.
We have so many exciting things to learn this week! We will be discussing rhyme words and reciting nursery rhymes. We will continue to explore position words in our math packets. If you would like to practice with your child at home, our text has a fabulous web-site that has activities for your child to perform. Simply go to, and click on kindergarten, chapter 3.
Our book of the week is “Cat’s Colors,” and we will be reciting fun color poems. Each day we have a different featured color. I encourage you to dress your child in accessories for the color of the day (i.e. hair clips, ribbons, bracelets, etc.) Red will be on Tuesday, blue on Wednesday and green on Thursday. Please note that this is the only time where accessories will be OK.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions! My email is My door is always open after hours and I am always happy to have a visitor!

Mrs. McGee

Friday, August 29, 2008

Welcome Kinders!

Welcome Kindergarten! This page will be a great resource to share what is currently happening in the Kindergarten room. Next week we will begin reviewing the alphabet, shapes, concepts of print, and we will be working with a "bear" theme. Stay tuned for more!