Thursday, October 2, 2008

Week of September 29th

Dear Kinder-Parent,
Thank you for sending in an apple for your child last week. We really enjoyed our introduction to graphing and sorting, as well as our Johnny Appleseed sauce! This Friday we will conclude our week with an Awards Ceremony for our virtue winners. Dominic, Madison and Giovanni will be receiving the Virtue Award on Friday at 8 a.m. in the back yard.
We begin our week with a delicious lesson on graphing and sorting, using Teddy Grahams. Our letter for the week is S, and we will not be introduced to new sight words. We will have a “Popcorn Test” on Friday, so please review the popcorn words with your child (red, blue, can, am, like and is). Flash cards are a helpful study tool. Our reader, Six Sisters, will come home with your child on Friday. Please encourage him/ her to read the weekly reader to you aloud.
In students’ homework packets, you will find a blank note card. Please write the address and phone number you would like your child to memorize. Please choose only one number and address.
We are currently learning about our 5 senses. Please send your child in with any object from your house that makes a noise. We will explore our sense of sound on Thursday.
There will be no Show and Tell this week, due to the Faculty vs. Student Council Kickball Game. Be sure to pre-order cookies and water for your student to enjoy during the game.
Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. McGee

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