Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week of September 15th

Dear Kinder-Parent,
As we finally begin our first full week, be aware of weary Kindergartners! The transition can be tiresome, so it is important for children to get to bed before 8 p.m. I am very excited about our schedule this year. Our children are blessed to have some very special teachers working with them.
Thank you for your participation in our color days! This week, we will be introduced to the yellow color poem today, orange on Tuesday, black on Wednesday, and brown on Thursday. Please dress your child in any accessories that correlate with our color days. Also, be sure to ask them to recite the color poem of the day for you!
Please be sure to check your student’s homework folder every day. It is important that each day they return with their behavior calendars, as we fill them in every afternoon. Any work sent home in their folders is to be kept at home unless otherwise indicated. Please help to keep their things tidy and organized.
For handwriting practice this week, please have your child continue to make the lines/ shapes I have done for them across the line. These strokes will help them to learn about using the lines as guides and develop the appropriate strokes for good printing.
Show and Tell will be every Friday, for 4 selected students. This week’s presenters are Brenda, Morgan, Ifeoma and Dominic. Please pack them an item that can fit in their backpacks and is truly special to them.
Lastly, students reading packets will now be receiving a grade of 1-4. I will explain our rubric in detail next Monday (Back to School Night), but here is an outline for you to better understand.
4) Perfect / Mastery
3) Satisfactory / Proficient
2) Emergent
1) Standard not met

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. McGee

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