Monday, December 1, 2008

Week of December 1st

Dear Kinder-Parent,
What a wonderful feast we had! Our Native Americans and pilgrims did a fantastic job of reenacting the first Thanksgiving. Thank you for all of your help in making our feast a success. Now with that complete, we can look forward to learning about and celebrating the Christmas holiday.
This week in Kindergarten curriculum, our new popcorn words are “do” and “not.” Children will need to write the words “map”, “pan” and “the” for our Friday spelling test. We are reviewing beginning and ending sounds, as well as continuing to understand patterns. We will learn more about the food groups this week as well.
This year, our Christmas program is an around the world theme. Kindergarten will be singing songs from Mexico and Australia. Please see the bulletin for Christmas Program dress requirements. Kinders will also be asked to wear a beach hat.
Show and Tell will be given by Samara, Chloe, Dylan and Kaila. On Friday, please help them to select an item that is very special to them.
Reminders: Number words will be tested on Monday, December 15th. Also, please be sure to R.S.V.P. for our Christmas Giving Party if you have not done so yet. You will need to fill in the sign up sheet located outside the Kindergarten room as well!
Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. McGee

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